MATLAB: How to specify a folder path using input


Hi all. I want to input which folder the script should access at the end of the filepath. As in, user would input ie "FV01" folder which is a subfolder of DropJump, and the script would go to FV01, or whatever is inputted, and then performs the calculations I have already written.
I have the filepath already:
% in_path='C:\Users\3830malowac\Desktop\DropJump\';
ID=input('ID #: ','s');
what I want to happen is…
% in_path='C:\Users\3830malowac\Desktop\DropJump\ID\';
but I know this is not correct. What can I write to have this outcome? I have a feeling I need to use dir. Thanks.

Best Answer

ID = [in_path,'\',ID]; cd(ID)
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