MATLAB: Problem with “cd” and network drive

cd network

Hello everybody,
I'd like to implement a line of code into my app that changes the current directory to the directory of the app. I have tried for so many hours now but haven't succeeded and I hope that you can help me now.
[filepath,~,~] = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'))
-> filepath = '\\university-pc04\shared\scripts\apps'
cd filepath
-> Error using cd
Cannot CD to \\univesity-pc04\shared\filepath (Name is nonexistent or not a directory).
It's strange that it does not say "Cannot CD to \\university-pc04\shared\scripts\apps (Name is nonexistent or not a directory)."! Why is there "filepath" in the error message instead?
But it works by copying and pasting the path:
cd '\\university-pc04\shared\scripts\apps''
Where is the problem? Does cd not work with network drives?
Cheers, Christian

Best Answer

cd filepath
is the command form of cd. The fact that filepath is purple is a hint that filepath is being treated as literal text and not a variable name. The equivalent functional form is:
whereas you meant
cd(filepath); %notice that filepath is no longer purple!