MATLAB: How to sort data in cells

cell arrayssort

I have some sets of data saved in a cell array, where each element in the cell array is another cell array containing 3 elements, i.e.
data = 1x6 cell array
{1 x 3 cell} {1 x 3 cell} {1 x 3 cell} {1 x 3 cell} {1 x 3 cell} {1 x 3 cell}
The 1×3 cells all contain 2 single numbers and one mxn data set. I want to sort the data by the second number in the data set –
such that cells with the same value of the second number are grouped together. How could I do this?

Best Answer

This solution can be reduced two lines but I added a third so it's easier to understand. Fake data are created at the top.
% Create fake data
data = {
{6 5 rand(3,4)}, {0 2 rand(3,4)}, {1 1 rand(3,4)}, ...
{9 4 rand(3,4)}, {3 3 rand(3,4)}, {1 6 rand(3,4)}
% Pull out the 2nd numbers and put them into a vector
secondNumber = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)x(2),data));
% determine the sorted index of the vector
[~, sortIdx] = sort(secondNumber);
%Resort the data
dataSorted = data(sortIdx);