MATLAB: How to access data from cell array within another cell array

cell arrays

I have a cell array e.g;
C:5×1 cell
[57x1 double]
[29x1 double]
[12x1 double]
and when i open it further e.g;1 cell as
C{1,1}<57x1 double>
i get values as
upto 57 row.
i need to ask how to access these values??
the size of C in my case is not as small as i have written in this example

Best Answer

I have trouble recreating your data:
C = {{1 2 3}{10 11}}
gives me a 1x2 cell array with cells as elements:
% C = {1x3 cell} {1x2 cell}
% C{1} → ans = [1] [2] [3]
Here are some suggestions how you can deal with such cell array of cell arrays with scalars:
x = [C{1}{:}] % convert a single cell to a double array
C2 = cellfun(@(x) [x{:}], C, 'un',0) % convert to cell array of double arrays