MATLAB: How to send data from one function to another

MATLABmove data between functionsnested functions

I have a function that is reading values from a .txt file using fscanf, and storing those values in an array.
Now I have another function that needs to use that array, but I am getting an error that says the variable does not exist.
Research tells me that after a function is done running, the variable leaves the workspace.
How can I pass this data into the 2nd function?
Thank you!

Best Answer

You can pass the variable out from the first function and pass it in to the other function. E.g.
% File fun1.m
function result = fun1
result = rand(3);
% File fun2.m
function fun2(x)
And then at the command line:
>> x = fun1
x =
0.7577 0.6555 0.0318
0.7431 0.1712 0.2769
0.3922 0.7060 0.0462
>> fun2(x)
0.7577 0.6555 0.0318
0.7431 0.1712 0.2769
0.3922 0.7060 0.0462
Another way is to use the 'userdata' property of the 0 process. E.g.,
% File fun3.m
function fun3
result = rand(3);
% File fun4.m
function fun4
x = get(0,'userdata');
Then at the command line:
>> fun3
0.0971 0.3171 0.4387
0.8235 0.9502 0.3816
0.6948 0.0344 0.7655
>> fun4
0.0971 0.3171 0.4387
0.8235 0.9502 0.3816
0.6948 0.0344 0.7655