MATLAB: How to solve this issue ((((Undefined function ‘m_shaperead’ for input arguments of type ‘char’))))

charinput argumentsm_shapereadundefined function

Hi every one, I keep getting the following error when I try to run my simulation: Undefined function 'm_shaperead' for input arguments of type 'char'. By the way the code was going very well, but I did format for my computer then the problem started. I set the path correctly. By the way I am a beginner in Matlab. Thank you Reyadh

Best Answer

Reyadh - given the error message, it sounds like you no longer have this file or it isn't within the MATLAB search path. In the Command Window, type
which m_shaperead -all
to see if this file/function can be found. If you observe the
'm_shaperead' not found.
then either download the mapping package again and save its folder to the MATLAB search path, or if you are sure that you already have the file, then add this folder to the search path.