MATLAB: Undefined function ‘nmf’ for input arguments of type ‘double’


i have made a function named nmf its sign is: function [ W,H ] = nmf(A,k,numOfIteration )
when i try to test this fınction with a A=rand(40,30); it says: Undefined function 'nmf' for input arguments of type 'double'
so what is the type of A in my fucntion? i tried nearly all types.any ideas?thank you.

Best Answer

As Matt's comment correctly suggests, you have to add the folder (directory) where the function is located to the MATLAB path. If your function is in c:\mfiles for example, use
>>addpath 'c:\mfiles'
or use the
to add the folder. The type error message is not saying the type is wrong, it's basically saying "you tried to call nmf() on a double input, but I don't know what nmf is".
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