MATLAB: How to solve the following exercise


I have to solve the following problem:
Consider a matrix M with only the numbers 1 to 9 as elements.
M =
2 9 3 2 4
8 6 4 8 5
5 7 1 6 4
9 8 9 5 1
Consider one of the elements M(i,j) that's not on the edge of the matrix. Such element always has 8 neighbours. If M(i,j) > 1 and each number from 1 to M(i,j)-1 is one of the 8 neighbours, we say that element is neighboring. If M(i,j) = 1, the element is automatically neighboring.
For example, M(2,2) is neighboring because 1,2,3,4 and 5 are one of the element's neighbours. M(3,4) on the other hand isn't neighboring because 2 and 3 don't occur around the element.
Now, I have to write a function that has 3 inputs: a matrix M and a row- and column index. The function has to control whether de element is neighboring or not and has a logical 0 or 1 as output.

Best Answer

function out = find_neighbor(M,i,j)
out = all(ismember(1:M(i,j)-1,M(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1)));