MATLAB: How can i create an n x m matrix that the value of each element is the first row is the number of the column

create a script file that creates a n x m matrix

How can I write a program in a script file that creates a n x m matrix that the value of the each element in the first row is the number of the column? The value of each element in the first column is the number of the row. The rest of the elements each has a value equal to the sum of 2 times of the element above it and the element to the left.

Best Answer

clc; clear all ;
n = 5 ;
m = 7 ;
M = zeros(n,m) ;
M(1,:) = 1:m ;
M(:,1) = 1:n ;
for i = 2:n
for j = 2:m
M(i,j) = 2*(M(i-1,j)+M(i,j-1)) ;