MATLAB: How to Solve Strictly Concave Quadratic Programming with Lower Bound

quadratic programming with lower bound

Hi All,
My model is a strictly concave quadratic objective function subject to lower bound constraints? And the hessian matrix of objective function is positive semi-definite.
I have calculated the coefficients in objective function, stored in matrix "hessian" and "f_qulwcLR" respectively; then I call the matlab2012a sover "quadprog" as follows:
lb = zeros(500,1);
ub = +inf;
[y,fval,exitflag,output,lambda] = quadprog(H,f,[],[],[],[],lb,ub);
But, it cannot be solved successfully, and the warning message is given below:
"Optimization terminated: relative function value changing by less than OPTIONS.TolFun."
How Can I Fix this problem?
Many Thanks!
Best Wishes,

Best Answer

You can try passing an options structure to quadprog(), using optimset to create the options structure, specifying a lower tolerance.