MATLAB: How to solve a system of equations for each element in a vector

for loopsolvesolversymbolicsystem of equationsvector

I am trying to solve a system of equations for each of the 500 elements in the "mass" vector and return vectors for all the solutions. I wrote a for loop to calculate and save the solutions for all the mass values but the script is taking way too long to run.
Is there a quicker/more efficient way to go about this?
rho = 1000;
D = 8e-3;
h = 28e-3;
mass = (1e-3):(1e-3):(500e-3);
g = 9.81;
volFlow = zeros(500,0);
massFlow = zeros(500,0);
V1 = zeros(500,0);
V2 = zeros(500,0);
for i = 1:500
% Equations
syms w1 w2 mdot Q
eqn1 = (1/2)*rho*w1^2 == (1/2)*rho*w2^2+rho*g*h;
eqn2 = mass(i)*g == w2*mdot;
eqn3 = Q == (pi/4)*D^2*w2;
eqn4 = mdot == rho*Q;
% Solve system of equations
sol = solve([eqn1,eqn2,eqn3,eqn4], [w1,w2,mdot,Q]);
Q = double(sol.Q);
w1 = double(sol.w1);
w2 = double(sol.w2);
mdot = double(sol.mdot);
% Solver returns positive and negative value for each, only need positive
Q = max(Q);
w1 = max(w1);
w2 = max(w2);
mdot = max(mdot);
% Add solver solution to vectors
volFlow(i) = Q;
massFlow(i) = mdot;
V1(i) = w1;
V2(i) = w2;

Best Answer

rho = 1000;
D = 8e-3;
h = 28e-3;
mass = (1e-3):(1e-3):(500e-3);
g = 9.81;
V2 = sqrt(mass*g/(pi/4*D^2*rho));
V1 = sqrt(V2.^2+2*g*h);
volFlow = pi/4*D^2*V2;
massflow = rho*volFlow;
Best wishes