MATLAB: How to reduce the time

vpasolve inside an ode

I'm writing up a code to solve a system of mass balances. The balances are ordinary differential equations, so I used ode23s to solve it. Additionally, inside the function that has the differential equations, I used vpasolve because I have another system of equations for the parameters of one of the differential equation. I'm solving the ode within a loop like this:
for i=1:5 % Hours
Mi(i,1)=O(i); Mi(i,2)=C(i); Mi(i,3)=W(i);
ti=[auxt(i) i];
O(i+1)=M(end,1); C(i+1)=M(end,2); W(i+1)=M(end,3);
aw(i+1)=aw_v; H(i+1)=H_v; phi(i+1)=phi_v;
And the function is:
function dM = TrayFunction(t, M, par)
% Components
O=M(1); % Oxygen concentration $\frac{molO_2}{m^3_{a}}$
C=M(2); % Carbon dioxide concentration $\frac{molCO_2}{m^3_{a}}$
W=M(3); % Total amount of water in a control volume $\frac{kg_{H_2O}}{m^3_{b}}$
% Complementary equations
syms phi_v
% Moisture content in the solids
phi_v=vpasolve(eqn2, phi_v, par.phi); phi_v=double(phi_v);
assignin('base', 'aw_v', aw_v); assignin('base', 'H_v', H_v); assignin('base', 'phi_v', phi_v)
% Oxygen balance
% Carbon dioxide balance
% Water balance
dM=[dO dC dW]';
Does anyone have any suggestion in order to have a more efficient code? It is taking too much time. I've thought that the problem was in the use of assignin, but it is too slow even if I remove that part.

Best Answer

Get rid of the sym. Change eqn2 into a function handle with phi_v as parameter. Change the vpasolve into an fsolve(eqn2, par.phi)