MATLAB: How to slice an audio from the front, and extract and save audio from the back.


I have an audio file and I wish to slice the audio from the front and extract and save the audio from the back.
Let say I have a raw audio file of 20 seconds,
I want to delete everything from the start till 4 seconds,
and keep and save 5 seconds to 20 seconds, making it 16 seconds in the new saved audio file?
Could someone help with this? The below code is what I think may work, do correct my code.
[y, fs]=audioread(filename);
[y1,fs] = audioread(filename,samples);
save([extension '.wav'],'cutversion')

Best Answer

You can just delete the initial part of the audio signal and save it into the audio file. For example
[s, fs] = audioread('sample.wav');
s2 = s;
s2(1:2*fs) = [];
audiowrite('new_file.wav', s2, fs);