MATLAB: How to simplify exponential symbolic equation

exponential symbolic equations

I am solving a system of equations that have exponential terms in it. The equations are as follows:
x1_temp(t) == exp(-t*theta1_temp)*u1(t);
x2_temp(t) == exp(-t*theta2_temp)*(theta1_temp*x1_temp(t) + 19)
I want to ultimately find theta1 and theta2 from these equations. How can I isolate these variables and get an explicit equation? Using solve() or vpasolve() does not give answer. It gives an error saying that the input cannot be of type 'sym'.

Best Answer

Something like this?
syms x1_temp(t) x2_temp(t) theta1_temp theta2_temp u1(t)
eq=[x1_temp(t)==exp(-t*theta1_temp)*u1(t) x2_temp(t) == exp(-t*theta2_temp)*(theta1_temp*x1_temp(t) + 19)];