MATLAB: How to find symbolic solution for theta1

equationsymbolicSymbolic Math Toolbox

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syms m_c_theta1 m_c0 M theta1 j_L0 j_L_theta1 l j_Lm_gama
syms m_c_theta2 theta2 j_L_theta2 m_c_gama k1 gama j_L_gama j_Lm0 j_Lm_theta1 j_Lm_theta2 fi
% k1=0.423;
% F=0.95;
% gama=pi/F;
% theta2=10,
% l=0.218;
% M=0.7;
Hi all,
Can anyone help of finding a solution specially theta1 because I found others except theta1?

Best Answer

If you solve the first 5 equations for m_c0, j_L0, m_c_theta1, j_L_theta2, m_c_theta2 and substitute that into the 6th equation, then the right hand side will equal the left hand side.
In other words you only have 5 independent equations, not 6.