MATLAB: How to show the 3d volume transparently

3douter surfacetransparency

Hello all, I want to ask that how the all volume can be made translucent so that I can see inner part of that ? (Is 'FaceAlpha' worth useful here ??)
the code is –
load mri.mat;
K = squeeze(D);
K1 = padarray(K,[10 10 10],'both');
Ds = smooth3(K1);
i_surface = isosurface(Ds,15);
AxesH = axes('ButtonDownFcn', 'disp(2*3)');
hold all
hiso = patch('Vertices', i_surface.vertices,...
'Faces', i_surface.faces,...
'FaceColor', [.2,.8,.9],...
'EdgeColor', 'none');
xlabel('X -->'); ylabel('Y -->'); zlabel('Z -->');
axis tight
axis equal
lightangle(-40,30); lightangle(90,0); lightangle(-180,0);
set(gcf,'Renderer','zbuffer'); lighting phong;
set(hiso, 'SpecularColorReflectance', 0, 'SpecularExponent', 50,'FaceAlpha',0.1);
thank you 🙂

Best Answer

The Renderer 'zbuffer' didn't support FaceAlpha. You'll need to use opengl.