MATLAB: Alpha function affect the things in four axes

alpha function axes gui

hi ,everyone ,when I use the alpha function in a axes(named axes1) in GUI figure , and there are another three axes (named axes2 axes3 axes4)in the GUI figure. then the alpha I used in axes1 affects the things in axes3 and axes4,but not affect the things in axes2,(I select the axes1 before using the alpha function)that's so weird ,my code followed :
Ds = smooth3(picgather);
hiso3 = patch(isosurface(Ds,800),'FaceColor',[256/256 192/256 166/256],'EdgeColor','none');
Please help me ,thanks

Best Answer

finally ,I got it ,it's a horrible question ,the size of three dimension data is 128*128,but the image showed in axes2、3、4 are 512*512,so it changes when the three object created ,then I use the image 256*256,everything goes ok ,it's not the alpha function question ,just the problem of the data ,and the size of image is not larger twice then the three dimension data(one slice ).