MATLAB: How to show radial ticks and axis on top of a polar plot


Although not a MWE, this is what the code looks like:
polaraxes; hold on;
c = colorbar;
In this case, the plot completely hides the ticks and most of the axes in the radial direction.
Is there any way to bring these two elements to the front of the plot?
I tried what's suggested in this answer by a MATLAB Staff, but the function findobj returns an empty array for both line and text.

Best Answer

The older answer you pointed to refers to the much older polar() function which uses a cartesian plot to create the polas axes and line objects to create the grid. The new and improved polaraxes(), polarplot() and friends are completely different objects with different properties.
I don't think there's a way to put the grid or the rho tick labels on top.
Here's a workaround.
Method 1: Plot the grid and rho tick labels manually.
See inline comments for details.
% Create main axes

fig = figure();
h = polaraxes(fig);
% Plot the data
polarscatter(h, rand(1,4000)*2*pi, rand(1,4000)*10,'.')
% [Do axis modifications here if needed]
% Recreate grid
th = (0:359)*pi/180;
polarplot(h,th,repmat(h.RTick(:),1,numel(th)), 'k-') % Rho grid
polarplot(h, h.ThetaTick.*[1;1]*pi/180, h.RTick([1,end])', 'k-') %Theta grid
% Remove old grid
h.RGrid = 'off';
h.ThetaGrid = 'off';
% Recreate rho ticks
rTickTheta = 80*pi/180 * ones(size(h.RTick));
th = text(rTickTheta, h.RTick, h.RTickLabel, 'Color','r', ...
% Place transparent white background behind rho tick labels for increased visibility
set(th, 'BackgroundColor', [1 1 1 .5]) % the 4th value controls transparency level
% Remove original rho tick labels
h.RTickLabel = {};
Method 2: Copy the polar axes and lay it on top of the original
This method is a bit more clumsy than method 1 but it also does the job. It copies the empty polaraxes and plots it on top of the orginal polar axes. It then alters the copied grid and labels to increase visibility. The outcome is the same as the image above except this method does not include the BackgroundColor option that method 1 provides. I recommend using method 1.
See inline comments for more details.
% Create main axes
fig = figure();
h = polaraxes(fig);
% Before plotting, make copy of axes
h2 = copyobj(h,fig);
h2.Color = 'none'; % see through the top axes
% Plot to the *original* axes which is under the copied axes.
polarscatter(h, rand(1,4000)*2*pi, rand(1,4000)*10,'.')
% Make the grid & tick labels on the copied axies more visible
h2.RColor = 'r';
h2.GridColor = 'k';
h2.GridAlpha = .75;
% Make sure the axis limits and other properties match between the two axes
'ThetaAxisUnits','ThetaDir','ThetaZeroLocation', ...
'ThetaTick','RTick') % Add whatever else you need