MATLAB: How to set an axis outside the polar figure like this photo


Hello friends,
I want to add a scalebar of my r-axis and label it like the figure I show (with red ring), but it seem not easy to move the exsisting axis, what should I do?
Can anyone help me? I really appreciate it.

Best Answer

You could create Cartesian axes which overlie the polar axes and are invisible except for the y axis, whose ticks are set to match the r axis ticks:
pa = polaraxes('Position', [0.25 0.25 0.6 0.6]);
polarplot(pa, randi(10,10,1),'o');
pa.RTickLabel = [];
a = axes('Color', 'none',...
'XColor', 'none',...
'Position', pa.Position,...
'YLim', [-pa.RLim(2) pa.RLim(2)],...
'YTick', unique([-flip(pa.RTick) pa.RTick]));
ylabel(a, 'r axis label')