MATLAB: How to set the sample times of a fixed-step Simulink model explicitly when the model contains blocks with a continuous sample time


I have a model which contains blocks that have a continuous sample time and blocks that have differing discrete sample times. I would like to directly specify the model's fixed-step sample times using the Sample Time Properties field. This field appears when using the "Specified" setting for the Periodic Sample Time Constraint in the model's Configuration Settings. How can I do this?

Best Answer

In the Sample Time Properties field, list the sample times as an Nx3 matrix whose rows specify the discrete sample times specified by this model in order from fastest rate to slowest rate. The continuous sample time does not need to be listed. For example the following entry declares that the model, which contains blocks with a continuous sample time, should specify three sample times of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 seconds respectively:
Sample Time Properties: [[0.1, 0, 10]; [0.2, 0, 11]; [0.3, 0, 12]]