MATLAB: How to set properties (e.g. backgroundcolor) of a Simulink Area programmatically


I've been trying to change the background color of a Simulink Area programmatically but without effect. I can use get/set to change the value of the property backgroundcolor, but this has no influence on the displayed color. On the other hand, if I change the color manually via the context menu, the value returned for backgroundcolor will change accordingly, so it does appear to be the correct property to look at.
Thanks! Ruben

Best Answer

The available properties for Simulink Areas are described here:
To change the background color property of a Simulink Area that is currently selected, do the following:
handle = find_system(gcs, 'FindAll', 'on', 'type', 'annotation', 'AnnotationType', 'area_annotation', 'selected', 'on')
set_param(handle, 'BackgroundColor', 'green')
This works for me on 2017b.