MATLAB: How to set “Execute (enter) Chart at Initialization” for a State Transition Table block in MATLAB R2016a

coderhdlHDL Coderstatestateflowtabletransition

I am trying to use HDL Coder with a model that contains a State Transition Table block, but it is complaining that the property "Execute (enter) Chart at Initialization" has to be set to generate HDL Code. For a Stateflow chart I would open the chart, right-click and select Properties to open the Stateflow properties, but I do not have that option for the State Transition Table block. How can I set this parameter?

Best Answer

To set the property "Execute (enter) Chart at Initialization" for the State Transition Table block, open the block and navigate to "Chart -> Properties" in the menu bar. This opens the Stateflow properties and will allow you to set the property "Execute (enter) Chart at Initialization".