MATLAB: Do I receive a “Error using Stateflow.​Clipboard/​copy” when I try to update Stateflow library interfaces that contain graphical Stateflow functions that are set to “subchart” in R2017a+


I am running a MATLAB script to update Stateflow library interfaces on a library that contains a graphical function set to be a "subchart". In this script, I create a "sfclipboard" object, grab the content from the current library, copy the content to the clipboard, and paste this to the new system that gets created by the script.
When I run the script on my library that contains a graphical function set to be a "subchart", I receive the following error message:
Error using Stateflow.Clipboard/copy
All objects must have the same subviewer
Error in update_library (line 168)
This seems like strange behavior since the subchart should be able to be copied without running into any issues through the clipboard object.

Best Answer

In MATLAB R2017a+, you can copy the content of the sub-charted graphical functions by setting the flag '-depth' to 1. This will copy a sub-charted function and its content all together. Please note that this solution works best if there is not a mix of sub-charted and non-sub-charted graphical functions and or states.
Please refer to the following lines of code below for an example of how to set this flag:
% Find the matching chart. Get contents.
State = OldChart(iOldChart).find('-isa', 'Stateflow.State', '-depth', 1);
Transition = OldChart(iOldChart).find('-isa', 'Stateflow.Transition', '-depth', 1 );
Junction = OldChart(iOldChart).find('-isa', 'Stateflow.Junction', '-depth', 1);
Note = OldChart(iOldChart).find('-isa', 'Stateflow.Note', '-depth', 1);
Function = OldChart(iOldChart).find('-isa', 'Stateflow.Function', '-depth', 1);
Box = OldChart(iOldChart).find('-isa', 'Stateflow.Box', '-depth', 1);
Another alternative if there are some components that are not getting copied because they are in a different depth is to do the following:
% Find all objects
states = OldChart(iOldChart).find('-isa', 'Stateflow.State');
% Select the objects that are in the same subviewer
states = states(arrayfun(@(x)(x.Subviewer.Id == x.Chart.Id), states));
Then, you should be able to use the "sfclipboard" object to copy and paste the contents of the library.