MATLAB: How to select the maximum number in the filename

cell arraysfilename

I really would appreciate if anyone could solve my problem. I have
net2_0.6754.mat , net50_0.87654.mat net50_0.3456.mat
I would like to get these net1_0.3425.mat net2_0.8765.mat ,…. the max of each net1 to net net50(comparing net1 with net1 and net2 with net2 and so on) I used the script
dinfo = dir('net*.mat');
filenames = {};
parts = regexp(filenames, '_', 'split');
part2 = cellfun(@(C) C{2}, parts, 'Uniform',0);
parts3 = regexp(part2, '.mat', 'split');% to remove mat extension
val2 = str2double(parts3)% I get NaN instead of numbers!
Thanks in advance for your help.

Best Answer

dinfo = dir('net*.mat');
filenames = {};
filenumstr = regexprep(filenames, {'^[^_]+_', '\.mat$'}, {'', ''});
val2 = str2double(filenumstr);