MATLAB: How to select inputs for the neural network

inputneural network

I have, currently, 36 inputs for my neural network that detects if a movie is violent. I would like to know which of the inputs have more weight for the problem. Do you know any technic or algorithm to do that?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

1. Standardize inputs to zero-mean/unit-variance
xn = zscore(x);
You can rank inputs by replacing, one at a time, input rows of length N with one of the following:
xn(i,:) = xn(i, randperm(N));% Scrambled
input(i,:) = randn(1,N);% Random, unit-variance
input(i,:) = zeros(1,N);% Zero mean and variance
You can also get fancy by using one of the above in a sequential backward or forward search
In general, all will yield different rankings. However, the exceedingly weak and exceedingly strong should reveal themselves.
Hope this helps
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