MATLAB: How to give input for back propagation program using ANN? Can we give a matrix of some values? And how do we specify hidden layers like on which basis we have to choose number of hidden layers

annbackpropgationclassificationDeep Learning Toolbox

1. I want to classify some values for that i want to use ANN 2. According to my study for classification back propagation and probabilistic NN are some good methods. 3. So want some help to choose the best method among them. 4. I have a matrix of some features such as mean, variance..using that want to do classification. 5. Now how to do classification using different ANN & using Neural network toolbox in MATLAB

Best Answer

patternnet is a universal approximator.
1. Start with the examples in
help patternnet
doc patternnet
2. See some of my posted designs in the NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS
greg patternnet
3. Continue with other MATLAB example data
help nndatasets
doc nndatasets
1. Standardize inputs to zero-mean/unit-variance
2. Plot inputs for each class
3. Remove or modify outliers
4. Initialize the RNG to your favorite state
5. Use default settings and design 10 nets (for i = 1:Ntrials) with different random data divisions and initial weights
6. If successful, try making the net more robust by reducing the number of hidden nodes.
7. Otherwise (if unsuccessful), try increasing the number of hidden nodes.
Hope this helps.
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