MATLAB: Artificial Neural Networks Hidden Layers

annhidden layerneurons

Below is my code to build a neural netword.
Question 1
n defines the number of nodes in the hidden layer. How can i define more nodes to the output hidden layer? or the fact it is 1 because i have only 1 output variable?
Question 2
Is it possible to set, for example, 2 hidden layers, of 15 neuros and 5 neuros respectively?
%% ANN --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Define X
X = predictors;
% Define Y
% Define a neural network (variable called 'net' which is a 3 layer
% perceptron with n nodes in the hidden layer
n = 25;
net = feedforwardnet(n);
% Train network
[net, TR] = train(net, X', Y');
% Prediction
Y_model = zeros(length(Y),1);
for i = 1:length(Y)
% Simulate Neural Network
Y_model(i) = net([X(i,:)]');
% Input of net, must be a column vector
Thanks for your time

Best Answer

Number of input and output nodes is determined by the data.
Number of hidden layers and nodes is determined by the program author.
Hope this helps
Thank you for formally accepting my answer,