MATLAB: How to select columns based on a known repeated pattern.

select pattern

I have data that came from excel and I want to grab the data without all the comments. I have imported the data into matlab but now I am having trouble selecting it cleanly. If the data is in a variable called raw I do the following.
data = raw(:,28:22:end);
data = [data, raw(:,29:22:end)];
data = [data, raw(:,30:22:end)];
data = [data, raw(:,31:22:end)];
data = [data, rwa(:,32:22:end)];
The problem with this is I have to reorder everything afterwards to get the columns back in the right order. I want to select all the columns like:
data = raw(:,[28:32]:22:end);
or something similiar. I figure there must be some ultra fancy vector way of doing this in 1 shot.

Best Answer

data = raw(:,bsxfun(@plus,29:32,22*(0:floor((size(raw,2)-32)/22))'));