MATLAB: How to save string values in matfile


how to save string values in matfile
Instead of these integer values,
label(1,1:44) = 0;
label(1,45:316) = 1;
label(1,317:362) = 0;
label(1,363:555) = 1;
label(1,556:588) = 0;
label(1,589:834) = 1;
i want to store as '0' instead of 0 and '1' instead of 1.
When i did as label(1,1:44) = {'0'};
i got error
??? The following error occurred converting from cell to double: Error using ==> double Conversion to double from cell is not possible.
How to do it. Please do reply

Best Answer

If label is a matrix of doubles you are trying to mix types in a matrix using
label(1,1:44) = {'0'};
Instead, create a new cell array
label_str = cell( size(label) );
and then fill it:
label_str(1,1:44) = {'0'};
label_str(1,45:316} = {'1'};