MATLAB: How to add string values into an array

cell arraysmatrix arraystrings

I'm classification on two images and I want to store the returned string values in an array. function returns a string to be displayed on the screen as the return value and this array is a 1×1 cell matrix. how do I hold all return values in a single array and print them on the screen?
img = imread('aaa.jpg');
[labelIdx, scores] = predict(categoryClassifier, img);
% Display the string label

img1 = imread('rr.jpg');
[labelIdx, scores1] = predict(categoryClassifier, img1);
% Display the string label
and this is output:
ans =
x =
workspace looks like this I have two separate matriX BUT I do not want it how can i hold the "airplane" strings in same matrix?

Best Answer

Use parentheses to save the outputs into one cell array:
x(1) = categoryClassifier...
x(2) = categoryClassifier...
As long as the outputs are both scalar cell arrays then this will give a 1x2 cell array. If the outputs are different classes of are non-scalar then this will not work.