MATLAB: How to save iterations


for i=0.01:0.1:1
x=0:i:5; % create Vector of x 0 -> L
N=length(x); % Calculate number of psi values (X)
n=1:N; % Create Vector for n with length of N
Vx=zeros([1 N]); % Create Vector of V(x)
eval(['n(' num2str(i) '=n;']);
% Calculate Energy & Potential
[H,U,E] = CalcUandE(N,x,Vx,hbar,m);
eval(['Hdx' num2str(i) '=H;']);
eval(['Udx' num2str(i) '=U;']);
eval(['Edx' num2str(i) '=E;']);
% Find Analytic for E
[Ea] = AnalyticE(hbar,n,m,L);
eval(['Eadx' num2str(i) '=Ea;']);
Hi I am trying to run my above code and using it store the different values of n, Hdx, Udx, Edx however I am running into an error as my vector i for the loop has decimals. I am hoping some one can assist. Thanking you in advance 🙂

Best Answer

Use an index counter
counter = 1;
for step = 0.01 : 0.1 : 1
% Loop code
Hdx(counter) = % whatever.
counter = counter + 1;
Don't use i as a loop index - it's also the imaginary variable. That's why I used step as the name of the loop index. Once you use an index for Hdx you won't need to use eval. See the FAQ: