MATLAB: How to save image with its original name

save imagesave image with its original name

Hi, actually i am trying to do a task, i saved image dataset in 'imds' and want to save same images after applying some operation in a new folder but with same name. i am successed to save images in a folder using imwrite command but facing problem to assigning original name to that newly saved images.
For example "D:\Matlab Coding of Projects\demo_dataset\cam_a\003_0.bmp" in this path 003_0.bmp is image name i want to save image with same name after applying operation.
i am using "imwrite(rgbImage2,['D:\Matlab Coding of Projects\ImageFolder\HazyImages\',num2str(i),'.bmp']);" line of code for saving image in new folder. but image is not save with its original name so what can i do? help me in this regards.

Best Answer

Please see this example, you may able to fix it
Images=dir('C:\Lab\Hand stage 4\*.png'); % Complete path
outDirectory='C:\Lab\result_hand_2101\'; % To save image Create folder "result_hand_2101" in the path
for i=1:length(Images)
ImgName=strcat('C:\Lab\Hand stage 4\',Images(i).name);
%% say result image is enhancedImage1