MATLAB: How to read a folder of images in matlab and how Labels the images like human with bag and with out

implement bagofword

i want to read the multiples images in the folder and i am using imgSet function in matlab but facing this error
Error using imageSet/parseDirInput (line 131)
Input, imageLocation, must be a valid folder name or a cell array of image file locations.
here is my code
classes = {'human with bag', 'human without bag'}; %
trainingDataSizePercent = 30;
numberOfClusters = 500;
imgSets = [];
imgFolder = fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'vision', 'visiondata','imageSets');
imgSets = imageSet(imgFolder,'recursive');
for i = 1:length(classes)
imgSets = [ imgSets, imageSet(fullfile('imgSets', classes{i})) ];

Best Answer

i want to read the multiples images in the folder?
how to read a folder of images in matlab?
%.................................................^^ Note of image format
for i=1:length(Images)
ImgName=strcat('C:\Research\IIT D Lab\hand_2101\',Images(i).name);
%Do operation
Hope it helps!
Any issue let me know?