MATLAB: How to save dynamic file name


I want to save Force_y data as Force.mat in the directory of ./Output/THOutput/LHS(i)/GMID(k) where i and k are dynamic indices. I have written the following code but it did not work. Note the saved file name would be Force.mat
fname = sprintf('./Output/THOutput/LHS%d/GMID%dForce.mat', i,k);
save ('fname', 'Force_y');

Best Answer

You shouldn't pass fname as a string, but as a variable:
fname = sprintf('./Output/THOutput/LHS%d/GMID%dForce.mat', i,k);
And don't you want GMID(k) to be a directory? In that case you should add another filesep:
fname = sprintf('./Output/THOutput/LHS%d/GMID%d/Force.mat', i,k);