MATLAB: How to run large SQL statements on new lines

sql variable

Good afternoon all…
Little questions regarding SQL statements in Matlab. I am currently using 2018 version and have produced a script that connects to a database and extracts data using a simple SQL statement.
I am trying to understand how you can tidy up the script by using larger SQL queries to extract more data by using a new line e.g …
if true
% %Open the connection string- connect to Database
SQL = 'select table.leg_no', ...
'from table');
This will only work if I place the whole statement on one line. I have tried [] and ().
Eventually I would like to create larger SQL queries that can be stored into variables to use in a GUI.
Really appreciate some help with this..Many thanks 🙂
Please note: I am not running with the DataBase Toolbox.

Best Answer

Your question is really about how to input a char vector using more than one line:
SQL = ['select table.leg_no ', ...
'from table ', ...
'where table.col1 = 12345'];
See also this
edit: don't forget the spaces as I did originally, matlab won't insert them between each line for you.