MATLAB: How to select from a table within a specific schema

databaseDatabase Toolboxfetchschemaselectsqlsqlreadtable

I would like to query a table in a database under a specific schema. In Database Explorer, I can select the schema in the Data Browser panel. How do I do this programmatically?

Best Answer

This would depend on which command you are using to query the database:
If you are using 'sqlread', you can specify it as a argument:
tablename = 'productTable';
data = sqlread(conn,tablename,'Schema','dbo');
If you are using 'fetch' or 'select', then in your SQL statement, you specify the schema with the table name:
results = fetch(conn, 'SELECT * FROM schemaName.inventoryTable');
You can find more information regarding the SQL statement syntax in the documentation for your database. For SQL Server, we see this syntax explained here: