MATLAB: How to run k means clustering on multiple items in a text file

k means clustering

I am trying to find a way to run k-means clustering on data from the attached text file. The first column shows an individual item. for example: A8888888888888888880011 is one item and it appears several times in the data. I would like to run k means clustering for each item in the text file (the one provided is shortened by a few thousand lines). I read the data in and sort it by using:
fid = fopen(filename);
cell_data = textscan(fid, '%s %n %n');
matrix_data = [cell_data{:}];
sort_data = sortrows(matrix_data, [1,3]);
After this I would like to have one coordinate for each item. The coordinate being the result of k means clustering returning a point (column b, column c).
So after running this on the text file, I would end up with 3 points, one for item 11, 12, and 13.
I hope this makes sense but if there are any questions please ask

Best Answer

You can try using the "kmeans" function by formatting your data as per the data format required in the function. The function returns the centroid of the cluster which is the best representation of the cluster. For more information you can refer to the link below:
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