MATLAB: How to restrict the number of student submissions for MATLAB Grader coding problems?​

assignmentattemptsdistance_learninglimitMATLABmatlab gradermatlab_gradernumberstudentsubmissions;tries;

How do I restrict the number of student submissions for MATLAB Grader coding problems?

Best Answer

When students work their problems on the MATLAB Grader site, it is possible to limit the number of submissions for all problems within an assignment. To change this setting, navigate to the desired assignment in and click "edit".
Under "Number of Submissions" choose "Unlimited" or "Limited". If "Limited" is selected, the additional field "submissions per problem" appears. Enter the number of submissions to allow.
When MATLAB Grader problems are integrated into an LMS, limiting the number of submissions is controlled by the LMS platform. Check with your LMS administrator to determine if this feature is available for your LMS.