MATLAB: How to rename multiple files located in subfolders within a main folder

filefilesfoldersloopmultiple filesrenamerename filerenaming filessubfolder

The files have to be renamed in a certain order. For eg. if the file name is Fname, the renaming should be P(foldername)_Fname. Below is the code created using help from comments on other answers. However,I am getting an error ' All inputs must be strings, character vectors, or cell arrays of character vectors.' I am not sure where the problem lies. I would appreciate any help with this.
D = dir;
D = D(~ismember({}, {'.', '..'}));
for k = 1:length(D)
currD = D(k).name;
fList = dir(currD);
fList = fList(~ismember({}, {'.', '..'}));
for i = 1:length(fList)
oldFileName = fList(i).name;
str1 = {'P'};
str2 = D(k).name;
str3 = {'_'};
str4 = oldFileName;
newFileName = (strcat(str1, str2, str3, str4));
movefile (fullfile(D,oldFileName, newFileName));

Best Answer

How about the following?
D = struct2table(dir('./**/*'));
D = D(~D.isdir,:);
for kk = 1:height(D)
[~,folderName] = fileparts(D.folder{kk});
newFileName = ['P',folderName,'_',{kk}];