MATLAB: How to remove the rows with particular value in a cell

cellcell arraysremove rowsrows

A = { a 99 8.5; b 2.4 9.7; c 12 99; d 13 11; e 1 1; f 0 1}
I would like to remove the rows with 0 and 99. i.e Row 1, Row 3 and Row 6

Best Answer

a = 'unknown', b = [], c = 1, d= 1:10, e ={'cell_in_cell'}, f.x = 'struct'
A = { a 99 8.5; b 2.4 9.7; c 12 99; d 13 11; e 1 1; f 0 1}
B = A(~any(cellfun(@(x) isequal(x,0) || isequal(x,99),A,'un',1),2),:)