MATLAB: How to remove identical cell entries containing small arrays

cellcell arraycell arrays

I have a matlab cell. Each cell entry is containing a relatively small 2xn array of numbers. Some of these arrays are identical and therefor I want to remove the duplicated cell entry. I have found solutions in case I would have strings, string/characters, characters or numbers, but none for whole arrays inside a cell.
(Although shown here, the arrays are not always just twice in the cell.)

Best Answer

Two efficient loops, no third-party functions:
S = load('example.mat');
C = S.connect_group;
N = numel(C);
X = true(1,N);
for ii = 1:N
for jj = ii+1:N
if isequal(C{ii},C{jj})
X(ii) = false;
D = C(X);