MATLAB: How to remove comma from certain items only from cell array with several items

regexpremoving selected characters from a string with repeated entries of the characters

hey all, i'am new to matlab and i have a query. i have a single cell array as following:
this has some items in quotes and others without quotes. what i need to do is remove the ,(comma) character from only those numbers which are between quotes. so my final answer should look like:
i have tried all combination of strrep replaceBetween regexprep but could not get my head around this question. any help on this matter would be highly appreciated. thanks, azim

Best Answer

This is easy with regexprep:
>> str = {'"98,786","103,630","95,758","99,871","106,916",494,361,"92,793","81,741","79,919","79,919",999,989,999'};
>> out = regexprep(str,'("\d+),(\d+")','$1$2')
out =