MATLAB: How to reference multiple matrices in cell arrays using a colon or other special characters rather than a loop

cell arrays

Is there a way to pull values from multiple arrays without using loops? Specifically, I would like to achieve something like this:
for i = 1:5
for j = 1:3
new{i,j} = a1{i,j}./a2{i,j};
by doing something simpler and faster like:
new{:,:} = a1{:,:}./a2{:,:};
but this kicks back an error. Assuming all the cell arrays hold appropriately sized matrices, is a loop my only option for this?

Best Answer

That's what cellfun is for...
>> a={rand(2)}; a(2)=a(1); % a simple test
>> b=a;
>> cellfun(@rdivide,a,b,'uni',0)
ans =
[2x2 double] [2x2 double]
>> ans{:}
ans =
1 1
1 1
ans =
1 1
1 1
Subscripted assignment
out=cellfun(@(x) x(1:2:end,1:2:end),a,'uni',0);
for fixed subscripts. To include them as a variable, add as additional dummy arguments in the anonymous function definition. Assignment is kinda' the "odd man out" as you see; there isn't another function name as a standin is for other operators such as plus
The interp2 case. Presuming X?,Y? are fixed, then
new=cellfun(@(x) interp2(Xl,Yl,x,Xh,Yh,'cubic'), a, 'uni',0);
The pattern should begin to come apparent; if the operation is a basic one equivalent to a single operation like + you use that function handle name; if it's more complex you invoke another function placing the cell array(s) in the passed-in position(s) in order they're given. Here the operation is simple enough to use an anonymous function; if it's more complex, write a separate function in an m-file and use the handle to it instead.
Seems very complicated at start, granted, but once you get one or two under your belt it'll quickly become easier...