MATLAB: Finding unique cell elements


I have a list as given below:
A= {[1 2], [2 1], [2 1 3],[3 4],[4 3]}
I need to simplify the matrix. For example, [3 4] and [4 3] form the same combination, only one of them is enough. Also, [1 2] and [2 1] is the same combinations, so I should be left with
newA= {[1 2],[2 1 3],[3 4]}
How do I do that?

Best Answer

We can take advantage of the fact that unique accepts a cell array of char vectors, which means we can convert those numeric vectors to char and then the task is trivial, assuming that the order is not significant:
>> A = {[1,2],[2,1],[2,1,3],[3,4],[4,3]};
>> B = cellfun(@(v)sort(char(v)),A,'uni',0);
>> C = cellfun(@double,unique(B),'uni',0);
>> C{:}
ans =
1 2
ans =
1 2 3
ans =
3 4