MATLAB: How to mat2cell the array

cell arraycell arrays

Suppose I have this:
v= {1 8 1 1 6 1 2 5 3 2 7 11 7 9 10 9};
How can I mat them as below? ( with array start and end as same number)
v= { [1 8 1] [1 6 1] [2 5 3 2] [7 11 7] [9 10 9] };

Best Answer

>> v = {1,8,1,1,6,1,2,5,3,2,7,11,7,9,10,9};
>> c = regexp(char([v{:}]),'(.).*?(??$1)','match');
>> c = cellfun(@double,c,'uni',0);
>> c{:}
ans =
1 8 1
ans =
1 6 1
ans =
2 5 3 2
ans =
7 11 7
ans =
9 10 9