MATLAB: How to read complex file data to matrix

data read

I have a.txt file, with complex data. the format is
1.958138021e-02 0.64646110658609712285 + 0.093290941560866688653j
1.958139648e-02 0.32117256288141476928 - 0.061542254916540022058j
1.958141276e-02 -0.22359569118086644601 + 0.3585713533321416846j
1.958142904e-02 -0.22397218216792619261 + 0.082213621398327246803j
1.999960938e-02 0
1.999962565e-02 0
1.999964193e-02 0
1.999965820e-02 0
2.000000000e-02 0.10412797744247889731 + 0.0081123700776114041067j
There's space between + and -. how can I read this file into a matrix with seperated I part and Q part.
1.958138021e-02 0.64646110658609712285 0.093290941560866688653
1.999960938e-02 0 0
2.000000000e-02 0.10412797744247889731 0.0081123700776114041067

Best Answer

Following Walter's advise

chr = fileread('a.txt');
chr = strrep( chr, ' + ', '+' );
chr = strrep( chr, ' - ', '-' );
cac = textscan( chr, '%f%f' );
M = cat( 2, cac{1}, real(cac{2}), imag(cac{2}) );
>> M(1:3,:)
ans =
0 0.10413 0.0081124
1.6276e-08 -0.04608 -0.073765
3.2552e-08 -0.038321 0.076231