MATLAB: Reading a huge matrix which is split to several parts

data importmatrixtext file

Dear all,
is there a simple way in MATLAB to read a matrix from a text file, when the matrix is too wide to span the linewidth and is therefore split to consecutive parts? An example file is attached.
I will be thankful for any advices.

Best Answer

The text file contains column and row numbers together with blocks of the matrix. These row and column numbers can be used for checks and to find the number of columns of each block. In my script below, I assume that all the blocks contains four columns. And there is no error checking in my script.

chr = fileread('matrixsample.txt');
chr = strrep( chr, char(13), '' ); % simpler without carrige return
str = string( chr );
[ blocks, matches ] = strsplit( str, '(?m)^[\d\x20]+$' ...
, 'DelimiterType','RegularExpression' );
blocks(1) = []; % first line is a delimiter
cac = cell( 1, numel(blocks) );
for bb = 1 : numel(blocks)
cac(bb) = textscan( blocks(bb), '%*d%f%f%f%f', 'CollectOutput',true );
num = cell2mat( cac );
The result is in num
>> whos num
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
num 8x8 512 double