MATLAB: How to read a non uniform text file in Matlab

MATLABmatrix arraytext filetextscan

I have a non uniform text file which I want to read in MATLAB. The file may be found here:
Can I create a matrix where cells could be left blank while some of them would recognize characters and others numbers?
From this file I wish to keep every second value (first column)
For example from every b group like the one following
5.00 0.00 0.00
5.00 0.00
I only wish to keep the respective 5.0 value in a single column matrix along with all the other respective values from b1, b3, b4, …. , b48.
Thank you so very much!

Best Answer

If you have to do it just for this file you can make your life easy by not reading the file at all:
b = 0:5:235;