MATLAB: How to read a file without certain lines


i have this file .ana :
Σ1 83.905 2.77945
Σ3 68.774 228.04833
Σ3 68.775 28.04775
Σ1 83.929 202.77937
Σ1 83.939 99.54290
Σ3 68.755 324.81135
Σ3 68.747 124.81021
Σ1 83.922 299.54238
Σ1 83.944 202.60395
Σ3 68.739 27.87184
Σ3 68.736 227.87125
Σ1 83.939 2.60300
How can i read this file without the blank lines and trailings ,so that i can get the averge of the numbers of each column?

Best Answer

readtable() with ReadVariableNames set to false. Once you have the data, rmmissing(). You can then mean() of the content of columns 2 and 3.