MATLAB: Reading numbers from an unknown format

matrix arraymatrix manipulationnumbersortingstring

in the cell given below , i want the column no 4 and 5 to be read as numbers so i can work on them further . i am unable to figure out the format given below . kindly help me out in getting the numbers reas from this format . (for column 4 and 5 only)
arrayl =
[ 1] '' '' [ 80] [51289]
[ 2] '' '' [51289] [ 80]
[ 3] '' '' [ 80] [51290]
[ 4] '' '' [51290] [ 80]
[ 5] '' '' [49234] [ 443]
[ 6] '' '' [49234] [ 443]
[ 7] '' '' [ 443] [49234]
[ 8] '' '' [49234] [ 443]
[ 9] '' '' [49234] [ 443]
[ 10] '' '' [ 443] [49234]

Best Answer

c4 = transpose( [ arrayl{:,4} ] );
c5 = transpose( [ arrayl{:,5} ] );
or are the data in a textfile?